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Biden: You Ain’t Black

Well it appears Joe ain’t gonna slow down long enough for us to load some some previous gaffes, so let’s get things started with his latest.

As you’ve undoubtedly heard by now, former VP Joe Biden was interviewed today on The Breakfast Club by Charlamagne tha God, and announced that any black person who doesn’t get on the Biden Plantation “ain’t black”. For the first time yelling what we all know progressives whisper when behind closed doors.

Transcript excerpt via Rev

Joe Biden: (17:22)
You got more questions but I tell ya, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.

Charlamagne tha God: (17:28)
It don’t have nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the fact I want something for my community. I would love to see-

Joe Biden: (17:35)
Take a look at my record, man. I extended the voting racks 25 years. I have a record that is second to none. The NAACP has endorsed me every time I’ve run. I mean, come on, take a look at the record.

We left in some additional pandering that should be just as offensive to the minorities he’s taking for granted here – “Hey, you ain’t black – just ask all these other brothas who said you should vote for me in the past”

Leave this senile old geezer in the basement a few more days and he’ll be admitting that Democrats have to deliberately try to fracture the country with faux concern over made up -isms and phobias to create a coalition of ostensible victims. As we speak he’s probably writing a speech declaring his promise to continue using social programs to create a permanent dependency to class lock up millions of votes.

In closing, we can’t help but wonder if he tried this line on Esther Williams Corn Pop back in the day.

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